Proud Army Brat

    20 Plus years of my life

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“Where are you headed?”

This question was posed to me in Lent of 2015 at the front gate of my local military base. I was headed to the Friday Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper hosted by the CWOC. I was asked by the young Marine who was guarding the gate. It showed me how “different” I am when I no longer have a car with base stickers nor a military ID.

This question brought to mind the continual moving I did and most military families do during the career of the military member. It also reminds me that I am not doing that any more—the next time I make a major move it will be because I choose to due to getting my own place in town (the most likely of the three reasons); getting a job outside of my current area (have a job in the area I am happy with); or getting married.

This question also brings to mind what does the future hold for me? What is my plan? What are my goals in life?

To the first question—the answer is  I have no idea but in true military brat adventure style I look forward to finding out. As for my plan—teaching high schoolers or college students for the rest of my career; a husband and some kids would be nice but I am happy with where I am right now!

Now my goals are a little loftier—I plan on adding a certification to my teaching license (if I can ever pass the test!). After that I plan to go back to school (I am an education junkie apparently) for either a Theology Masters or a Sign Language Certification or perhaps but very unlikely a Phd.

As we journey through Lent, this question of “where are you headed?” takes on another perspective. Where is your spiritual journey taking you?  What is your next step?

I pray that my journey is taking me closer to God and closer to Heaven. These last few years have been testers and strengthen-ers of my faith. The more I learn about my faith the more I love my faith!

Vixen Proud

I have done goodbyes before BUT this one is going to be the HARDEST that I have EVER had to do. I know, after years of being a military brat, goodbyes are a part of life and they DO NOT get any easier BUT this one breaks my heart. I will NOT give up hope BUT with the announcement coming when and how it did I can’t help but be—–

Utterly Devastated! That is what I am right now!

That was my exact response to a friend when asked how I felt 28 hours after I learned that my alma mater, Sweet Briar College, the Pink Bubble is closing it’s doors 5 months and 22 (now 20) days from now—August 25, 2015! We will have one last graduated class, Class of 2015! In the span of a few hours, their world…my world…..our world was rocked! Students were gathered in the Auditorium at 12:45; an email was sent to Alum at 12:56; I read the email from the college as well a text from my mom along with one from a classmate at 16:30—My world was changed!

I continued my response to my friend with:

I have been crying on and off for the last 24 hours. I am so heartbroken and torn apart by this decision. I can’t believe it and I had NO clue it was coming. From what I gather, none of the alumnae know. At least none who were not part of the Board of Directors. I have so many emotions that I can not even express them right now. I feel as though someone has died. I feel like I am burying a family member. I am SO LOST and overwhelmed! I am ANGRY!

After some reflection on the above, I know that battle is not over! I know that even with SBC closing, I will still have my fellow Vixens and we WILL support each other and see each other. I will still have the great memories, loads of laughter, my fair share of tears, hours of hard work, great friends and sisters, and an education that has prepared me to change the world.

Over the last 48  hours, I have read every news article I can get my hands on; I have called, emailed, and texted my fellow Vixens. We are all in pain!! Even in that pain, we have banned together to try to do what we can to help—We will give words of encouragement to the current VIXENS; raise the money necessary to keep the doors open, if possible; and MOST importantly in my mind share our Sweet Briar Stories—One of our alum made a website SaveSweetBriar, where alumnae have come to share their stories; while tons more alumnae and current students flooded social media, especially twitter and tumblr with messages of strength and love for Sweet Briar tagging them #savesweetbriar. While I am not on facebook right now, due to my lenten promise, I can tell you with a HUGE degree of certainty that the Vixens took to facebook, knowing how passionate and vocal we all are!

For me three things stand out in the last forty hours when I stop and look past the pain—-

1) Wow!! The Alumnae come together fast!!! I knew we did; I watched us do it several times over the past several years since I graduated and even before I graduated for the families of and the alum themselves BUT this time means SO MUCH MORE to me personally! What an amazing group of women I am part of!!!

2) Our brother college Hampton Sydney has some awesome graduates including one who posted a great poem which is a tear-jerking good-bye to a Sister College on his blog and it has now been cross-posted on the Saving Sweet Briar Blog.

3) The last two Virginia Sister Colleges (Hollins and Mary Baldwin) have both opened their doors as has our Georgia Sister (Agnes Scott) to the Sweet Briar Ladies who will be displaced—they will be able to finish their education at an All-Women’s college. While a huge number of Women’s colleges don’t exist any more, the spirit is still ALIVE and STRONG!

Extra Star—4) Two more local colleges (Lynchburg College and Randolph College) and one college in Michigan (Kettering University: just for engineering) will also be accepting applications, which will be expedited. I know in the coming weeks many more places will end up with applications from Sweet Briar Women BUT it is nice to know that 6 colleges have come out and said “Come; we will work with you.”

The out-pour of LOVE and SUPPORT has been awesome and made me smile through the tears!

And on that note, I am off to plan my journey HOME to the PINK BUBBLE while listening to the OUR song, Sweet Briar Women!


Rosam Quae Meruit Ferat

Rosam Quae Meruit Ferat
“She who has earned the rose may bear it.”

I am fluent….

“….in Army”—how my mom would finish that statement. Matter of fact, when I told her I was looking forward to the “96”, her response what “what?” When I explained that “96” is what the Marine Corps calls a four day weekend. Which gets me the following, “Well I am fluent in Army.”

That statement said it all—We become comfortable with our world the way it is. We learn the words and ways of that world becoming fluent in it. It is that fluency that makes it so comfortable for us. It the fluency that we can fall back on when times get tough; connects us to each other as fellow Army dependents; and gives a sense of community. It can be a separating factor—I can chat a million miles an hour about Army life and my civilian friends’ eyes glaze over. My comfort level with the Army specifically and the military in general as not minimized much in the years since my dad retired.

It is this comfort–this fluency that makes it so easy for me to say “Yes, I will be a Marine’s girlfriend.” Not because I think it will be glamorous because I know it will not be. Not because he looks Hot in his uniform especially those Blues—though he does!! Not because of a lot of other reasons, I could list—Rather because I know I can handle it and I know that I will be fine. I may not always feel like I am fluent—like I am competent but I know that I can with time, continued practice, and lots of prayer be the Women behind the Marine. Now with that comes a new community to become comfortable with; a new language to become fluent in.

My mom’s quote has been floating around in my head since mom said it. It makes it clear that I am in uncharted territory—I am in the world of the Marine Corps. What adventures wait me remain to be seen but….I am looking forward it. I have a whole other language to learn but I am ready!!

Protected: Mom, I am Military Girlfriend!

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Starting a chapter of my life

So sorry for the silence on this blog and my other blog….I know it has been a year since I have blogged on either site…Sorry my dear readers…if there are any of you left!

I survived my last few weeks of college and then started on my Masters program…so life has been a really busy, particularly with my tendency to procrastinate. So why am I blogging now? Well I need a new goal to achieve….or rather a replacement for a bad habit that I have when I procrastinate…and I figure at least this way I am working on something that influences the small portion of the internet this reads this blog and causes me to be a little more reflective. Therefore, here is to me blogging once a week at minimum.


Till the next blog post….HOOAH

Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial Day 2011. As you all no doubt know, I am the daughter of an Army officer. What you may not have know was that I am the neice of a Navy officer, the granddaughter of a Marine officer and friend to many from all branches of the millitary.

To them I would like to send a THANKS and GOD BLESS!!

Wherever you were yesterday, I hope that you took a moment and thought of those serving our great nation, particularly those currently away from their family and friends.


The real world


The above index card is a true story; particularly at an all-women’s college. Drama is excepted when you place many people, particularly women in the same location! Let me say that there are times that I think I am still in high school with the amount of drama that occurs in a give day around other women. Seriously!!!

Anyway….My dear computer and I are not getting along so posting will be limited for the time being. Besides the next few weeks into the end of April are going to be hectic and messy. Therefore, again posting will be limited.

The real world truly is calling my name. Therefore, I shall answer it’s call.

Blizzard Bloghop 2011

<a  href=”http://www.household6diva.com&#8221; target=”_blank”><img alt=”Blizzard  Bloghop 2010 hosted by Household 6 Diva”  src=”http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1406/5383181739_e000080faa_m.jpg&#8221;  border=”0″ style=”height: 180px; width: 180px;”  ./></a>

I am a crazy spazzastic Military Brat turned College student with little time on her hands. I am very talkative but don’t always make sense. In my multiple year journey through military life, I have lived at seven bases (11 houses/apartments) and gone to 8/9 schools not counting college.

As for my blogging life: I just started (Nov ’09). I blab and blog about my life, experiences, and religion as well as everything in-between!!! In Nov ’10 I decided to separate my religious ramblings and my non-religious ramblings. The religious ramblings can now be found on my second blog, while my non-religious ramblings are on this one.

Questions are welcome from all??? Answers may be slow…although with this snow WHO knows! I do reserve the right not to respond or not fully respond.

My goals for 2011

I only 3 non-religious ones. My religious ones can be seen on my other blog!

1. Graduate (ok that is sorta a freebee) and continue to my Masters (working on that)

2. Post a blog post a week on BOTH blogs

3. read one NON-academic book a month and blog about it

Happy New Year All!!

What state are you in?

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.  ~Author Unknown

This semester I was driving with my Best Friend, M. She and I were laughing and talking and then I went into manic laughter and could not stop laughing. She asked if I was ok. I said I had cracked.

Then we came up with a whole system





There were more but I can remember them but regardless, the point is still the same this semester was/is an adventure. Thanks to everyone who helped me survive it. I only have one presentation and two finals left and I am done.